Govt. college of Education, Buldana is the first teacher’s training collegestarted in 1968 for catering the needs of the in-service primary and secondaryteachers and also for imparting in service training to lab-assistants andScience teachers. The college has preserved its ethics and ideals as it isapproaching towards silver jubilee celebrations.Government of Maharashtra took initiatives to start 14 teachers traininginstitutes which were known as B.T. colleges / Normal schools. Area wisedistribution of the 14 colleges was five in Vidarbha region, five inMarathawada region and four in western Maharashtra.
Out of which now 12colleges are in existence since establishment. Considering the needs of in-service teacher’s government took responsibility for training untrainedteachers, who were appointed in the primary and the secondary schools. Thenormal schools were headed by principal and were catering the courses likeD.Ed. now known as D. El. Ed. and B.T. now known as B.Ed. along with theregular training courses the short duration course like Science teacherstraining and lab assistant training of about 21 To 28 days were also beingconducted after bifurcation of higher education from school education anddepartment of sports. The B.Ed. course which being U.G. course wasautomatically handed over to Higher and Technical Education and D.I.E.T.came in existence headed by School Education and Sports Department.Govt. college of Education, B.Ed. is the first teachers training instituteestablished in 1968 in Buldana district. It was established in the huge campusand measuring 17 acres and 05 acres total 22 acres of area. Academictransaction for B. Ed., D.Ed. and other training was being conducted in thebuilding which is constructed on Chikhali road, near Devi temple Buldana. Theresidential complex for the trainee was constructed in the heart of the citynear State Bank of India where the accommodation for trainees, warden,servants and principal were constructed. Buldana is a district place selectedby the British as it is on the top of the hills with pollution-free and pleasantatmosphere in Vidarbha region. Even the T.B. and serious diseases hospitalswere also established by govt. on this place. The college is managed and runby Department of Higher and Technical Education, Mantralaya, Mumbaithrough Hon. Director, Higher Education, Pune (Maharashtra State) It isnoteworthy to state that inspite of the mushroom growth of private, aided andunaided B.Ed. colleges in Buldana district the college has still kept its traditionto converting the teacher trainees into devoted and dedicated ideal teacher,good officers in Dept. of Education.Our Institution getting ‘A’ Grade in NAAC Second Cycle dated 8 March2017. Our Institution is honest, sincere and objectives endure to know ourstrength, weakness, opportunities and challenges that are the forefront.Thereaccreditation report has been prepared in the prescribed format device byNAAC by referring to the NAAC manuals. The remarkable achievement of ourstudents as recorded by our report bears testimony to the effectiveness of ournew endevoiurs. The significant and noteworthy contribution made by thecollege is the result of sustain and dedicated efforts of all the faculty members,administrative staff, alumni and of course our beloved teachers trainee.Access, equity and quality are the three parameters of higher education forbringing in the quality in higher education. Accordingly access to allirrespective of gender, caste, creed, the lowest fees and assured scholarshipfor backward class students, well equipped physical infrastructure forassuring the enhancement of teaching and learning experiences, the linkageswith local, state level, national level, educational bodies and organizations andsuccessful and effective transaction of curriculum designed by S. G. B.A.University, Amravati. The educational and social activities conducted by thecollege for imbibing the values among the teachers trainee have help us forholistic development of teacher’s trainees into devoted, dedicated teachers,master trainees, educational administrator and planner and also ofresearchers in the field of education, especially in teacher education. Thecollege also conducts in-service teacher training courses of short term andlong term duration by getting affiliation of Y.C.M.O.U. Nashik and recognitionof N.C.T.E. (WRC), Bhopal.
This institute is one of the reputed oldest institutesin Buldana district and in the faculty of education under the jurisdictions ofSant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati.Government college of Education, Buldana (Maharashtra State) isGovernment Institutation,100% aided and run by the Government ofMaharashtra through the control of Director, higher Education, MaharashtraState It is established in the year 1968 to impart the training to the would beteachers. Medium of instruction in this college is Marathi. Government collegeof Education, Buldana is situated at District headquarter of Buldana district ofMaharashtra in Buldana city on chikhali Road on the Campus owned by Govt.of Maharashtra. The present college building has been constructed for NormalSchool. As per the norms of National council for Teacher Education, (NCTE)regarding the infrastructure requirement for U. G. and P. G. courses of ateacher training institute (T I E’s) Maharashtra Government has given theN.O.C. to procure the land admeasuring Five acres in the middle of the city forthe construction of new College of Education Building Separately. Newmodern fully equipped building will be constructed in the nearest future.However, the present college building is having all the basic physical facilitiessuch as five class rooms, staff counseling cabins, independent library hall withattached reading room facility for the students and the teacher, Principal’soffice is attached to administrative section, Seminar hall cum multi-purposehall, psychology lab, information technology Laboratory and Science lab withmathematics room.etc. College has separate boys hostel in the Campus. Hencewe believe that our existing building and hostel, play ground can motivate theteacher trainees to become good teachers.We have successfully completed accreditation of first cycle in 2005 with‘B’ Grade and the second cycle for assessment and reaccreditation Completedin March 2017 with ‘A’ Grade (CGPA 3.12) Right from the establishment of thecollege is marching towards progress-with admission to impart theknowledge, imbibe the teaching skills and use of new technology in teaching &learning into the teacher trainees. The Local Management committee isheaded by the Joint-Director of Higher Education, Amravati Region consistingof 09 members as per the University Act.
The institute has a separatecommittee, headed by the Principal as the chairman, constituted for runningself finance courses like M.Ed., etc. It has various sub-committees also.The college is also abiding by the affiliating university with respect tothe parameters such as Government policies, regulation and order in respectof staff, students, academic, administrative and financial aspects. It ischallenging for the institute to work under both the authorities but actually itis an opportunity for the college to get the best outcome from these. The"Student Council" is form by selecting and nominating the meritoriousstudents having capacities and capabilities to lead the task. We have formeddifferent committees for successful and Qualitative working of all the curricular and co curricular activities as mention in the syllabus through out the year.Since theinception, the college has successfully trained U. G. & P.G.graduates who are efficiently working on the prominent positions in the fieldof education and also in various fields. In addition students are encouragedand given guidance to update themselves for various competitiveexaminations like SET, NET, MPSC etc; college has purchased sufficient booksand magazines for competitive examinations. The college provides ICT facilityto create awareness in computer literacy which is the felt need of 21stcentury. The institution has in-service Bachelor of Education training programof Y.C.M.O.U. It is permanently approved teachers training institute by N.C.T.E.,MSCERT and Y.C.M.O.U. for providing opportunities to the college forarranging different in service teachers training programs of short and longterm duration.
The institute is affiliated to S.G.B.A.U. Amravati. Therefore the collegefollows the B.Ed., M.Ed. curriculum framed by the University. Present B.Ed.curriculum is reframed in the year2015in the light of the N. C. T. E. curriculumand as per the direction of Supreme Court decision on the basis of Justice Faculty of Education also work in curriculum reconstruction of B. Ed. & M. Ed. Courses in Dr. Warghat our facultymember has also worked as active member in reframing of curriculum in R. T.M. N. University, Nagpur. The present curriculum reframed by S.G.B.A.University, Amravati has a good deal of focus on practical aspects, practiceteaching, internship, Yoga education, computer literacy, environmental issues,etc. which are the Global trends. We have located thirteen practice teachingschools in Buldana and nearby Buldana. Besides academic transactions thefaculty efforts are directed towards social and community service whichfacilitates interaction with the community and society. Meticulous planning,timely implementation and introspection of all curricular and co-curricularactivities are the priority concern of faculty.The motto of this institution is “TEJASWINAWADHITMASTU” means“Let our (the teacher and the taught) learning be radiant”.
The principal,teaching and non-teaching staff and student-teachers too all are working inaccordance with the motto. According to this vision the institution is meantfor converting the trainees in to a quality teacher so as to reach the masses forto catering qualitative education. This college is trying hard for the same.College has been widely known as a highly reputed teachers training institutein Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state due to its excellent academic results.We have been trying to inculcate competitive and humanitarian spirit in ourstudent teachers.
This is becoming possible due to the hard work of students,staff and the principal’s efforts in creating and maintaining the conductiveatmosphere in and outside the class room. The faculty, non - teaching staff,principal and the student have been always working as members of onefamily. Over the years, the institution has always imparted quality educationand multi- faceted training to mould teacher trainees physically, emotionally,intellectually and spiritually. Institution is committed for maximum utilizationof the infrastructural facilities, highly qualified and progressive faculty whichhas led to sustain progress and development. No institution can flourishwithout research and extension activities. Quality research is being carriedout under the able guidance of eminent guides namely Dr.Nutan B.Chavan ,Dr.Anil D.Warghat Dr. H.P.Khobragade . Total 11 research fellows are pursuing Ph.D. work The prime job of a teacher consists of three things i.e. teaching, researchand extension. Hence the teacher educators are consistently motivated forundertaking research work. We are very proud to mention that most ofteacher-educators have completed their research work and achieved M. Phil.and Ph.D. degree in their respective subjects. Four MRP are also completed bythe faculty members. Teachers are also motivated for participating andpresenting the research paper in National and International seminar. We arealso publishing our annual Magazine namely “UNMESH” every year forproviding the opportunities to the trainee to write and publish article andliterature every year. In order to create confidence and to praise the student-teachers we have started an award scheme namely "Nirantar ParitoshikYojana" the prize is distributed to first two merit students in B.Ed. class.The effectiveness and quality of the institution needs to be assessedfrom time to time to enhance the quality of teacher education. This creativeand important task has been facilitated by NAAC. This endeavor has beenaccomplished with the whole hearted cooperation of every member of theinstitution through deliberations, discussions, brain storming, team work andcohesive spirit.
1. Qualified and experienced staff selected by M.P.S.C.
2. Oldest B. Ed. College with reputation of good result.
3. College is situated on 22 acres of land owned by Govt.
4. Out of 7th teaching staff 06 are Ph.D holders with wide range of experience
in teacher training college.
5. Out of existing staff two members have worked as Dean Faculty of
6. Our Principal has successfully worked as Director of Higher Education,
Maharashtra State & has worked on many committees like RUSA, NAAC,
7. Majority of faculty members are representing as a Govt. nominee & subject
expert in the various committees like NCTE Visiting Teem member,
interview, CAS promotion, LIC, examination committee & board of studies
8. Alumni are holding key positions in politics, education, administration &
corporate sector etc.
9. Research Students & faculty members are encouraged to participate in
National, International conferences, workshops & symposia for presenting
their research papers, posters, also chair the session in conferences.
10. 04 students’ are awarded Ph. D. & 4 students have M. Phil. and 11 students
are pursuing Ph. D. in Education.
11. There are 106 research papers published in State, National & International
Reputed Journals & 25 books published with ISBN by the faculty members.
12 . Majority of faculties are registered members of reputed academic and
professional bodies and organizations like- IHC, MESTA, AIE etc.
13. Majority of our staff are awarded by prestigious awards like-Bhartiya
Shikshan Ratna, Best Teacher, Best Blood Donor, Shikshan Ratna Puraskar,
Swami Puraskar, Khel Ratna puraskar etc.
14. One of Our M. Ed. Trainee named Bhagyashri Ubale has bagged Gold Medal
of S.G.B.A.U, Amravati.
15. Our B. Ed. Trainees are also occupying meritorious positions in University
ranking in S.G.B.A.U, Amravati& Y. C.M.O.U, Nashik.
1. Services of faculty members are transferable which adversely affect the
progressive growth of some of the activities such as research, teaching and
2. Government has not yet changed M. Ed. Self – Finance into government
aided mode.
3. Administrative hurdles in starting job oriented and skill oriented short term
1. To get the institute recognized as research center in faculty of education as
100 % staff members are Ph. D. holders.
2. Getting shifted to new norms- wise well equipped and modern building in
near future
3. Obtaining grants from various components of RUSA, Maharashtra.
4. Starting language lab.
5. Starting add-on courses and guidance center for NET, SET & TET
6. More efforts in nurturing and providing direction to the hidden talent of
the students.
1. More improvement in the academic standards of the students having rural
2. Providing technical knowledge based training and short term add-on
courses for more job opportunities.
3. Procuring financial assistance from central government, Vidharbh
Vaidhanik Vikasmandal and District Planning and Development Committee.
4. Slowdown of economy affecting job prospects offering attractive
remunerations leading to drop in highly motivated students.
5. Need to develop research culture through collaborations with established
research institutes.
6. Implementing faculty exchange programs.
7. Signing MOUs with reputed institutions for student exchange programs.